Destinations filter
This tool that allows you to find locations in Europe that fits your criteria as your potential travel destination. We divided the service region with a regular network of 5 km wide hexagonal cells. Each cell (destination) is described with wide variety of criteria. Using Destination Filter you can select those that meet your expectations.
Select the Destinations Filter icon that opens the tool.
Please note: particular criteria (climate related) are vary during the year. This is the reason you’re able to select only one month.
Enter your criteria using dropdown lists and sliders. To activate particular sliders please click on the criterion name.
When your criteria are set click the SEARCH button in the bottom of criteria panel.
Total number of destinations fulfilling your criteria is now displayed in the bottom of criteria panel, and the map window is being zoomed to the region containing all of selected destinations.
If your criteria are too general it may lead to you indicating too many destinations. In that case an additional button will appear, which allows for displaying successive portions of areas.
Destinations fulfilling your preferences are displayed in the map window. You can decide which location better suits your expectations and zoom to that place and look around.
You can change your preferences to continue filtering or use CLEAR FILTERS button to reset your settings.
Clicking HISTORY button in the top of the panel shows you the history of your filtering operations.
You can upload them into the app, by clicking the identifier, as well as remove, share (via permalink) and rename using subsequent buttons in the row.
Destinations rating
The tool allows you to save your rating of certain location, and share it.
Select the Destinations Rating icon that opens the tool.
Zoom the map to location that you want to rate.
Select the pin icon and click on the destination in the map window.
Using five stars scale rate the destination.
Enter the place name using the text box and save it with the SAVE button.
You can reach previously saved ratings by clicking SAVED button.
You can zoom to previously rated destination by clicking its identifier, check its rating, expressed with a number between 1 and 5, as well as remove and share (via permalink) using subsequent buttons in the row.
Now share with us your opinion on the Destinations Rating tool.
Destinations benchmarking
This tool allows for comparison of entire characteristics of up to five selected destinations.
Select the Destinations Benchmarking icon that opens the tool.
Select the pin icon and click on the destination in the map window.
Now you are able to familiarize with detailed characteristics of the destination that covers descriptions (i.e. landscape type and landscape attractiveness), graphic scale (i.e. touristic popularity or accessibility of restaurants), actual values (i.e. time of travel from the nearest airport – airport accessibility) and charts (for time variable climate parameters, i.e. average monthly sunny days).
Destination’s identifier, initially storing the name of a country can be edited.
Now add next destinations to the comparison using the same routine.
After adding all of destinations of your choice click DISPLAY TABLE.
The tool displays a table where columns represent selected destinations and subsequent parameters are displayed in rows.
Now click BACK button at the top of the panel. You can name your comparison and save it. Benchmark analysis could also be shared (via permalink).
You can reach previously stored benchmarks by clicking SAVED button. You can display the set of compared destinations by clicking its identifier, as well as remove it and share (via permalink) using subsequent buttons in the row.
Now share with us your opinion on the Destinations Benchmarking tool.
Trip planner
The tool allows you to plan a trip to get to know places and their surroundings, as well as longer journeys by car, e.g. from home to a selected destination.
Click the Trip Planner icon that opens the tool.
There are three modes of routing available: driving, walking and cycling.
Select the pin icon in the first row and click on the map window choosing your start point.
You can add via points by clicking + ADD POINT button, and enter them using the same routine.
Now select the pin icon in the last row and click on the map window choosing your end point.
The application generates trip route after clicking FIND ROUTE button, and displays it on the map. For local trips elevation profile is being also provided.
The route is available for downloading as a GPX file that can be use in mobile devices, i.e. smartwatches. To download the route clink DOWNLOAD GPX FILE.
You can also use Google Maps for navigation purposes with your points as a basis for route planning. To initiate Google Maps click GO TO GOOGLE MAPS button.
Now share with us your opinion on the Trip Planning tool.
Destination info
This tool displays characteristics of destination as descriptions (i.e. landscape type and landscape attractiveness), graphic scale (i.e. touristic popularity or accessibility of restaurants), actual values (i.e. time of travel from the nearest airport – airport accessibility) and charts (for time variable climate parameters, i.e. average monthly sunny days).
When the Destination Info icon is selected the characteristics could be accessed by clicking a destination of choice (any hexagon cell over the region).
Now share with us your opinion on the Destination Info tool.